‘Chi’ is the life force or energy present in all living things that helps maintain health. Chi naturally flows through channels along the body (called meridians). According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, imbalances or blockages of the movement of chi creates disharmony in the body's organs and can lead to illness. Acupuncture helps rebalance this energy or remove blockages, thus restoring health.
Acupuncture has been practiced as a system of medicine for over 2500 years and can be used to treat a wide variety of health conditions, including (but not limited to): sinusitis, menstrual disorders, pain, headaches/migraines, frozen shoulder, digestive problems, infertility, etc.
Fear not. Acupuncture needles are extremely thin (less than the diameter of hair) and are solid with a finely tapered point. In contrast, standard needles used for injections or blood draws are 25-50 times thicker than acupuncture needles and are hollow with cutting edges. In fact, acupuncture needles are so thin that one or more can actually fit within the hollow of a standard injection/blood draw needle. Acupuncture is essentially painless. Some people may experience a slight pinch (similar to a mosquito bite) only during the insertion of the acupuncture needle. Many people feel nothing at all. In fact, some people are so relaxed during treatment that they fall asleep.
Energy flowing through meridians can also be restored via manual pressure (such as via acupressure and Shiatsu) or magnets (via acu-magnetic therapy). For individuals with a severe fear of needles or when working with children, magnets may be used instead of needles on the traditional acupuncture points.
The flow of energy through meridians can be compared with the electromagnetic currents that exist in our body. Electromagnetic signals regulate most biologic functions. Every one of the body's trillions of cells has an energy state or electrical charge (polarity) at the surface membrane. Sixty percent of the body's weight is water, which carries ions (electrically charged mineral salts) that, when in motion, generate tiny electromagnetic fields. Magnets placed on acupuncture points along the body’s meridians re-establish the flow of Chi or the electromagnetic fields in our body.
The concept of using magnets for healing the body goes back thousands of years to ancient Greece, Egypt, and China. Recent studies at Baylor University have also supported the effectiveness of magnetic therapy. Acupuncturists often apply magnets to acupuncture points as either an adjunct to needling or as a stand-alone therapy. Magnets can also be left on key acupuncture points after an acupuncture needle treatment with the intention of prolonging the therapeutic effect.
Acupuncture has been practiced as a system of medicine for over 2500 years and can be used to treat a wide variety of health conditions, including (but not limited to): sinusitis, menstrual disorders, pain, headaches/migraines, frozen shoulder, digestive problems, infertility, etc.
Fear not. Acupuncture needles are extremely thin (less than the diameter of hair) and are solid with a finely tapered point. In contrast, standard needles used for injections or blood draws are 25-50 times thicker than acupuncture needles and are hollow with cutting edges. In fact, acupuncture needles are so thin that one or more can actually fit within the hollow of a standard injection/blood draw needle. Acupuncture is essentially painless. Some people may experience a slight pinch (similar to a mosquito bite) only during the insertion of the acupuncture needle. Many people feel nothing at all. In fact, some people are so relaxed during treatment that they fall asleep.
Energy flowing through meridians can also be restored via manual pressure (such as via acupressure and Shiatsu) or magnets (via acu-magnetic therapy). For individuals with a severe fear of needles or when working with children, magnets may be used instead of needles on the traditional acupuncture points.
The flow of energy through meridians can be compared with the electromagnetic currents that exist in our body. Electromagnetic signals regulate most biologic functions. Every one of the body's trillions of cells has an energy state or electrical charge (polarity) at the surface membrane. Sixty percent of the body's weight is water, which carries ions (electrically charged mineral salts) that, when in motion, generate tiny electromagnetic fields. Magnets placed on acupuncture points along the body’s meridians re-establish the flow of Chi or the electromagnetic fields in our body.
The concept of using magnets for healing the body goes back thousands of years to ancient Greece, Egypt, and China. Recent studies at Baylor University have also supported the effectiveness of magnetic therapy. Acupuncturists often apply magnets to acupuncture points as either an adjunct to needling or as a stand-alone therapy. Magnets can also be left on key acupuncture points after an acupuncture needle treatment with the intention of prolonging the therapeutic effect.